Coaching For Parents

Being a parent is by far one of the most challenging and rewarding jobs on the planet! Unfortunately with this particular job there is no training manual, limited feedback on your performance, and no right or wrong way of doing things. It can also be difficult to find support and many parents experience the feeling of not doing a good enough job if they have to ask for advice from a professional.

There is no right way of being a parent, but there are steps that you can take if your family relationships are not working out as well as they could be. Or perhaps you just want to be prepared for the challenging teenage years to come!

My NLP4Parents course involves learning some of the basic techniques of NLP that can really influence the way you and your child relate to one another. I can’t promise that they’ll love doing their homework as a result of you attending the course, but you will learn some great ways to incentivise them to get them home work done.

This isn’t your average parenting course where we talk about reward systems and star charts (although they have their uses).

With my NLP4Parents course you will learn new language patterns and ways to approach options with your child that will have them responding with less fuss whilst still feeling empowered. Using your new skills you will also be able to better support your child in overcoming their own challenges and improve relationships between siblings.

Common problems that parents experience
with their children include:

  • Arguing
  • Stale mate (not talking to each other)
  • Stone walling (saying bad things about each other)

It’ s important to recognise that NLP4Parents is not about changing your child or what your child does, but about changing your responses and communication with your child so that you begin to nurture more desired responses from them.

I offer a free introductory consultation for one to one therapy and coaching (worth £250).

I also run regular parenting courses to help you develop some new strategies for communicating and building a more positive relationship with your child so that you can inspire them and lead them to the success you know they are capable of achieving.