Change Your Behaviour

I’m going to ask you to do the biggest psychological stretch that you’ve ever been asked to do because this month I’m focusing on behaviour. I know from my work with families and young people in Hertfordshire, that often when there are behavioural problems in a family the[…]

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Areas Covered:

Saying Sorry

How do you make good apologies? I know I have spoken to you before about certain words that you may want to use (and particular words that you may want to avoid) when you are negotiating with people. Apologizing is not that dissimilar to negotiation, except there needs[…]

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Areas Covered:

Growing Resilience

A lot of parents often bring their young people to see me at my therapy clinic in Hertfordshire when they are struggling with the problems and challenges that life often throws at us. They are in need of some resilience boosting. But what does that actually mean? Resilience[…]

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Areas Covered:

Dealing with Teenage Anger

We can all remember being in that weird period of time between childhood and adulthood and for some young people, this transitioning time is particularly testing. There are all sorts of changes happening – physical, hormonal and even additional pressures academically which stress out teenagers. It would be[…]

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Areas Covered:

Helping SAD Children and Teenagers (Stressed, Anxious and Depressed)

Stress, Anxiety and Depression are the biggest mental heath issues for children and teenagers. For some the effects of these problems can be so acute and isolating, that suicidal thoughts take hold. For the first time, statistics on suicide victims in the UK have changed. Previously, males in[…]

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Areas Covered:

Helping Children and Young People Tackle Depression

Amongst stress and anxiety, depression in children is one of the top mental health conditions that young people face. Depression is an extreme feeling of hopelessness, sadness and lack of self esteem. Everyone feels sad sometimes, but when a child is depressed, the sadness or low feelings are[…]

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Areas Covered:

Selective Mutism

Something I encountered for the first time many years ago (but didn’t have a “label” for yet) is selective mutism. The symptoms of this are characterised when a child who has an ability to communicate verbally does not. Often the child will have to be coaxed and encouraged[…]

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