Nov 1 2023

I am going to be giving you some tips and hints about what to do when you feel like you just want to quit. When you reach the point of feeling like you just can’t do the thing that you’re supposed to be doing and you want to[…]

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Oct 1 2023

I’m going to be sharing with you how to get what you want! In the pursuit of getting what you want, it needs to fall within the rules of ecology. This means that, first of all, what you want needs to be good for you. Secondly, it needs[…]

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Sep 1 2023

Sometimes when we go through the process of growing up or any other kind of change in our lives, it can really cause us to question if we are being the person that we’re meant to be. Throughout life, there are going to be several opportunities for you[…]

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Aug 1 2023

I’m going to be sharing with you what you need to do when you get stuck and you get into that brain jam of thinking that you can’t do something. It’s one of the stages that most parents will say that their child goes through at a very[…]

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Jul 24 2023

As an NLP coach and psychologist, I have worked with many teenagers who are struggling with anxiety, and I believe that it is important to raise awareness about this issue and provide support to those who need it. Anxiety is a common issue among teenagers, and it can[…]

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Jul 1 2023

If you are someone who has been struggling with getting your motivation levels to exactly where you’d like them to be then you are in the right place! A useful thing to know is that there is, within your brain, something called your ‘values’. Values are related to[…]

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Jun 1 2023

If you have that sense of dread, fear or worry about the changes that are coming in your direction what I want to share with you today are some strategies to help you be able to cope so that you can actually deal with it and get on[…]

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May 1 2023

I’m going to be telling you about making decisions and why it’s important to stick with them. Something I will say ahead of getting into this is if the decision was one that was harmful but bad for you or maybe harmful for other people feel free to[…]

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Apr 1 2023

I want to talk to you about getting the full picture on stuff we’ve sort of talked a little bit about this before but there was just this really good example of it that cropped up in my own life today something that made me want to ask[…]

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Mar 1 2023

When you are less mature in your thinking it is very easy to believe that life is one thing or the other, like people are either telling the truth or they’re lying and that’s just all there is to it! There are normally three versions of the truth,[…]

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