Gemma’s Blog

Jan 1 2023

I am going to be teaching you my three top tips on how to stop an argument. This is not so much about avoiding an argument this is more about how to stop an argument once it’s already got started. Number one is that your going to want[…]

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Dec 1 2022

I’m going to be talking to you about talking to yourself inside your head because you’ve all got a little voice in there. The reason why I want to bring your awareness to that little voice inside your head is because sometimes people aren’t aware that they even[…]

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Nov 1 2022

I’m going to be discussing about how to avoid comparing yourself with others making yourself feel rubbish. If you are someone who is constantly getting sucked into the world of comparing yourself to other people and making yourself feel bad about it. Firstly, let me say that making[…]

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Oct 1 2022

I’m going to be speaking to you about getting the balance right in your friendships! If you have ever been in a situation where it’s felt like you’ve been a bit more invested in a friendship than the other person and that maybe then you started to get[…]

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Sep 1 2022

I’m going to be talking to you about taking full responsibility for how your brain works and what you are doing in there. One of the things that I hear a lot from the young people that I work with is that they know the right things to[…]

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Aug 1 2022

I’m going to be sharing with you some more tips around overcoming anxiety. I want to share with you some stuff that really works more as a long term plan for getting yourself out of an anxious state. The very first thing is that you need to start[…]

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Jul 1 2022

I’m going to be sharing with you how to talk about your problems and I will also be giving you some strategies to make you feel more comfortable about talking about your problems and getting it off your chest without feeling embarrassed about it. When it comes to[…]

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Dec 1 2021

I am going to be asking you to do something that you might not want to do. I’m going to be asking you to stop what you are doing and take a step back. What I’m really talking about it is quite hard to explain but it is[…]

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Nov 1 2021

I want to explain to you how to put bad memories behind you. There are a few reasons why it is a good idea to put your bad memories behind you. For instance, you can focus on moving forwards if you can put those bad memories behind you.[…]

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Oct 1 2021

Let’s talk about how you can turn the things that make you feel uncomfortable, into things that are just naturally normal everyday things! In my therapy clinic in Hertfordshire, we often hear from young people who have difficulties in transitioning from a world where your parents take a[…]

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